General terms and conditions of use of ChatAi Pocket

ChatAi Pocket uses a third-party API (ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, fal, Cohere, Claude, developed by Anthropic, Mistral, Gemini, developed by Google) for certain features and services. Please note that we are not the creators of this API and cannot guarantee its proper functioning, accuracy, continued availability, or suitability for your specific needs. By using this third-party API, you agree that we will not be liable for any harm, loss or damage, direct or indirect, arising from or related to the use of this API. This includes, but is not limited to, errors, delays, service interruptions, incorrect data, financial loss or any other negative consequences resulting from the use of this API. We also do not warrant that the Third-Party API will be free of viruses, bugs, errors or other harmful components. We recommend that users take their own security precautions, such as using up-to-date anti-virus software, when using the third-party API. We reserve the right to suspend, modify, limit or terminate access to the Third Party API, in whole or in part, without notice. Please consult the documentation of the third-party API for more information on its terms of use, limitations and privacy policies. We also encourage you to contact the providers of the third-party API directly with any questions or concerns specific to its use.